After graduating from FAMU (Film and TV School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague), she worked as a production manager on a number of films, including: "Zemský ráj to napohled" (An Earthy Paradise for the Eyes), "Vyhnání z ráje" (Ban from Paradise), "Útěk do Budína" (Escape to Budín), "Naposledy vlkem" (The Last Time as a Wolf), "Monkey King", "Blade", "XXX", and TV series "První republika" (The Manor House), "Vyprávěj" (Wonderful Times), "Ordinace v Růžové zahradě" (The Rose Garden Clinic), and others.
As a producer for Orbis Pictures, she produced, among others, the TV series "Mazalové" (Eyebrow’s Family), "Všechny moje lásky" (All My Loving), the documentary series "Na vlastní nohy" (On Their Own Feet), "Rodinné stříbro" (Family Silver), "Kočka není pes" (A Cat is Not a Dog), "Pod velkou čínskou zdí" (Under the Great Chinese Wall), the television film "Edisoni" (Edisons), and the films "Jak přežít svého muže" (How to Survive Your Love) and "Krvavý Johann" (Bloody Johann).
An Earthy Paradise for the Eyes
Ban from Paradise
Escape to Budín
The Last Time as a Wolf
Monkey King
How to Survive Your Love
Bloody Johann
TV Series
The Manor House
Wonderful Times
The Rose Garden Clinic
All My Loving
Eyebrow’s Family
Line 3
Documentary Series
On Their Own Feet
A Cat is Not a Dog
Family Silver
Under the Great Chinese Wall
Television Film
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